A Quick Rug Pad Guide for Hard Floors

It is very important to realize the significance of selecting a good rug pad quality for your floor. It is as important as selecting any carpet or rug itself as wrong choice will do more damage than good. Below are quick tips to select the best quality rug pad for your wooden floors.

PVC Rug Pads
The most famous in the variety of rug padding all over the world are PVC rug pads. They usually look like mesh and have the feeling of rubber, are coated with adhesive and have other properties of non-slipping. There are few materials that looks like PVC and should be avoided at all cost when buying a rug pad; these are:
•    Prime polyurethane: It is the material that is used in mattresses and car seats. However, a much greater density is used for rug pads.
•    Bounded polyurethane: This one is the famous rug pad material. It is made by recycling PVC. It is cheap in cost and can damage hard flooring.
However, on the other hand, froth polyurethane is expensive as compared to other rug pads for hardwood floors. It does meet the quality standards of rug pads and safe for all kinds of flooring.

Natural Rubber Rug Pads
Natural rubber rug pads are considered to be safe for all and any kind of wooden or hard flooring because of being natural hundred percent. Apart from that they have:
•    Naturally 100 percent properties in non-slip
•    Have mesh-looks, but again natural 100 percent and doesn’t have any treatment of adhesive;
•    They are resistant to moisture;
•    Better in cost as compared to any imitation;
•    Appropriate for small rugs, hallway and rugs at the entranceway;
•    Its padding gives more comfort than PVC;

Fiber Rug Pads
•    Usually from natural fibers, but can be manufactured from materials that are recycled. These are of two types. Natural fiber ones are the first kind of padding ever made. They are made from animal hair or jute or felt. The other one is recycled jute rug pads. They are made by reusing jute while felt rug pads are either new or recycled. Both have no smell of any chemical and possess properties of anti-fungus;
•    The more dense padding, the greater the quality;
•    A safe option for every kind of floors,
•    Fiber rug pad is dense and assures hardwood floors are well protected.
•    Synthetic fiber ones are made from acrylics nylon or polypropylene. All make long-lasting as well as safe padding to prevent all kinds of traffic.
The above quick tips will surely help you in choosing and buying the best quality rug pad for all types of hard wooden floors.

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