A Quick Rug Pad Guide for Hard Floors

It is very important to realize the significance of selecting a good rug pad quality for your floor. It is as important as selecting any carpet or rug itself as wrong choice will do more damage than good. Below are quick tips to select the best quality rug pad for your wooden floors.

PVC Rug Pads
The most famous in the variety of rug padding all over the world are PVC rug pads. They usually look like mesh and have the feeling of rubber, are coated with adhesive and have other properties of non-slipping. There are few materials that looks like PVC and should be avoided at all cost when buying a rug pad; these are:
•    Prime polyurethane: It is the material that is used in mattresses and car seats. However, a much greater density is used for rug pads.
•    Bounded polyurethane: This one is the famous rug pad material. It is made by recycling PVC. It is cheap in cost and can damage hard flooring.
However, on the other hand, froth polyurethane is expensive as compared to other rug pads for hardwood floors. It does meet the quality standards of rug pads and safe for all kinds of flooring.

Natural Rubber Rug Pads
Natural rubber rug pads are considered to be safe for all and any kind of wooden or hard flooring because of being natural hundred percent. Apart from that they have:
•    Naturally 100 percent properties in non-slip
•    Have mesh-looks, but again natural 100 percent and doesn’t have any treatment of adhesive;
•    They are resistant to moisture;
•    Better in cost as compared to any imitation;
•    Appropriate for small rugs, hallway and rugs at the entranceway;
•    Its padding gives more comfort than PVC;

Fiber Rug Pads
•    Usually from natural fibers, but can be manufactured from materials that are recycled. These are of two types. Natural fiber ones are the first kind of padding ever made. They are made from animal hair or jute or felt. The other one is recycled jute rug pads. They are made by reusing jute while felt rug pads are either new or recycled. Both have no smell of any chemical and possess properties of anti-fungus;
•    The more dense padding, the greater the quality;
•    A safe option for every kind of floors,
•    Fiber rug pad is dense and assures hardwood floors are well protected.
•    Synthetic fiber ones are made from acrylics nylon or polypropylene. All make long-lasting as well as safe padding to prevent all kinds of traffic.
The above quick tips will surely help you in choosing and buying the best quality rug pad for all types of hard wooden floors.

Thick rug pads add comfort and cushiness

81GOnja9R0L._SX425_ A carpet can add a lot to one’s previously cold, bland and often lifeless floor. It can start off by providing a colorful decoration to a room that badly needs it. More than just decorations, often times carpets are viewed as a type of status symbol, and having an expensive handmade rug is not unlike having a nice watch or a nice car. Of course, some people don’t care about all that and look towards rugs to help improve their quality of life, as well as that of other people who come in contact with the rug. This type of thinking is usually split between two roles that people want their rugs to fulfill. First, some want a durable, sturdy rug, most often for high traffic areas, that put emphasis on getting the job done in the face of adversity. These rugs will be designed to withstand massive traffic without being subjected to much wear and tear. Sometimes, they will double-up adding a type of doormat functionality to the room, and as such there needs to be an effective way to clean them without risking permanent stains. The high traffic might also budge them, so additional thought is placed into outfitting these carpets with rug pads offering more adherence, as nobody wants incidents related to carpets sliding out of place. The second type of functionality a carpet might offer is that of additional comfort for one’s home. This requires a completely different type of rug, where ruggedness gives place to cushiness. Usually these rugs are designed with people sitting or lying down on them in mind, and are often purchased because of that. People want their children playing on a rug as comfortable as they can, so special, soft materials are imagesused throughout the rug making process. But no matter how comfortable your new carpet is, remember that it is the rug pad that often makes or breaks the comfort of the carpet. That’s right – you can get the cushiest rug out there, and if you outfit it with the wrong rug pad, just walking over it, let alone actually sitting down, will feel hard and potentially unpleasant. Foam is one of the materials often used to produce thick rug pads that add comfort and cushiness, prime foam often being the desired choice for this utility. Temperature insulation is another big factor whenever there’s someone sitting on the rug. If you got a carpet wanting to separate the cold floor from your children who constantly play on the rug, you might find that the carpeting itself isn’t enough and that there is still cold emanating from the floor. In this case, as well, you’ll want to place some thick rug pads under there, as they will not only add comfort and provide cushiness but also make the carpet stay around room temperature and make it pleasant to sit on. Always keep the material of the rug pad in mind, as there are many rug pads that simply won’t offer any of the benefits you are looking for while having a hefty price tag.

Why rug pads of lesser quality should be avoided

The mark of a responsible carpet owner is outfitting all of their carpets with appropriate rug pads. Rug pads are a type of padding designed to increase the life of the carpet as well as provide many different benefits to the carpet owner depending on his or her needs. However, there are a lot of rug pads to choose from and each will come with its own set of pros and cons, even quality ones. Therefore, those looking to buy the right rug pad for their carpet will first need to familiarize themselves with the different types of rug pads and cross-reference them to their carpets’ location and type.IMG_1428-300x168
A rug pad should only be chosen once you are aware of both the carpet’s and the rug pad’s material. Not all rug pads go well with all forms of fabric that carpets are made from, and even quality rug pads like those made by Mohawk Rug Pads or a similar top-notch manufacturer can end up damaging some carpets if the fabric of the rug is brittle. Because of this, it’s important to know exactly what your carpets are made from and what rug pads go well with this type of material.
Similarly, a rug pad can also damage a carpet if it is made with low quality materials like bonded urethane foam. This type of material is made with cost-effectiveness in mind as it is essentially foam scraps bound together by chemicals. These chemicals will often end up leaking onto the carpet and create a yellow stain that is usually impossible to remove. Should this happen, you will be left with the choice to throw away your carpet, cover the stain with a piece of furniture or forced to bear the sight of the stain indefinitely.
To avoid this, always make sure that the rug pad you are getting was produced using high quality and preferably natural materials, as well as being made by a quality manufacturer. Flat rubber and prime foam are some great examples of materials that, while not necessarily made with natural ingredients, will tend to make rug pads that provide a host of benefits to the carpet owners and last for a very long time.
While the idea of a rug pad made from natural materials like wool or felt is definitely appealing, in part because of the eco-friendliness showing itself primarily through the ability to recycle the rug pad, there can be times when an all-natural rug pad isn’t optimal and might even prove to be detrimental. One example of such a situation could be an area with high humidity and low ventilation, even if the humidity merely comes in the form of water being applied to the carpet often during cleaning. This water can get stuck inside felt and similar rug pads and eventually cause the rug pad to rot, producing a foul stench and almost certainly warranting a complete rug pad replacement.
To avoid getting an inappropriate rug pad that might do more harm than good, always talk to the rug pad vendor beforehand and explain what you need in detail. Rug pad manufacturers aren’t the 2014.07.31_17.08.16same as carpet manufacturers, and you should always look for a company that specializes primarily in manufacturing rug pads, like the Mohawk Rug Pads manufacturer. This will ensure that your rug pad was designed with the very best materials and made to serve a specific purpose.
The rug pads that are offered by rug vendors tend to be of a horrible quality and can easily damage a carpet. The same goes for rug pads that are mass-manufactured with cheap materials and sold in non-specialized stores. Whereas a quality rug pad could greatly increase the life of your carpet and allow you to pass it onto generations that will come after you, a rug pad that was manufactured with saving money in mind can easily damage your carpet and often force you to throw it away completely.
This highlights the importance of always getting quality rug pads made by people dedicated to providing the very best padding possible. The effects that your rug pad can have on your carpet are potentially large, but they can be negative just as easily as they could be positive, meaning you shouldn’t sacrifice quality to save some money on your padding.

The perfect fit- area rugs

When people decorate their homes, they do it with great care and try to incorporate their preferences, their budgets and what it is available at the market at that point. So, when it comes to choosing area rugs, a person must choose the one which will fit its space the best. These rugs come with an abundance of benefits for the living space, like adding vividness and splash of patterns and colors, solving the acoustical issues, giving warmth to the room and making the walking or standing surface much softer. Rectangular and round small area carpets are the two most commonly chosen shapes of carpets. Although there are some other shapes which are designed for a specific area intentionally, it is a fact that the round-shaped living room carpets are the most selling form of floor coverings.

The perfect fit!
Usually, when an architect designs a room, he or she sticks to the social conventions and aspects of living space compositions and produces a living space which is square or rectangular in shape. So, when a person believes that round-shaped area carpets look good only in round rooms, it means that these carpets can be only found in less than 1%, world-wide wise. No, the truth is that the choice of which carpet or rug would be chosen for that room depends on the size of the living space and its usage. For instance, round-shaped carpets are the best choice for large and spacious bathrooms, while the smaller bathrooms look extended if they are decorated with small rectangular mats. Also, a large rectangular carpet can enhance the individuality and add further depth to square living rooms. One rule that the interior designers say should always be followed is the choice of carpet for dining rooms. Simply as pattern, the dining room carpet should always follow the form of the dining room table and cover the space area when the chairs are pulled away (when a person is sitting on them).
The perfect size!
When a person decides it is time to replace the old floor coverings with new ones, he or she can choose the proper sized carpet by measuring the entire room, and choosing a carpet with dimensions which are only 1/4th of the entire space. If the carpet is the central piece of the space and if it is too large, it will consume the whole room, giving away the look and feel of congestion. Also, another thing that needs to come into thinking is the traffic patterns and the placement of the furniture. The specific carpet which should be chosen compliments the room and it suits well in the eye of the beholder, so the patterns and the colors must combine well with the rest of the room’s colors.
Think outside the box!
Just because most people tend to choose round or rectangular shaped carpets, this doesn’t mean that everyone needs to follow the same pattern. A person can express its creativity, uniqueness and originality by purchasing a hexagonal or sphere shaped carpet. At the end, it all comes down to the customers.

Is Rug Padding Beneficial or Harmful To Your Hardwood Floors?

Homeowners usually do not place much importance on installing padding under the carpeting in their homes. In most cases, hardwood floors are simply covered up with brand new carpeting because the homeowner simply thinks that padding will damage the floors faster.

The bottom line when it comes to padding, you get exactly what you pay for. When you choose an inexpensive padding, you are paying for low quality plastics that will destroy the hardwood flooring over time. One fact that many consumers are not even aware of is that the low grade plastics used in those inexpensive padding materials contain dangerous levels of chemicals that are not safe for you and your family to be breathing.

Protect the Hardwood Floor with High Quality Padding

In the event you recently refinished or had new hardwood flooring installed, you must wait at least two weeks before you can place padding on top of it. That will allow the polyurethane finish to properly cure in the wood. When padding is placed over the hardwood flooring too soon, the pads reacts with the wood surface and causes marring. Having high quality padding installed after that waiting period will benefit you in many ways:
-Offers enhanced cushioning, comfort, and warmth
-Less wear of the carpet and wrinkling
-Easier to clean and vacuum
-Less slippage
-Extended lifespan of both carpet and hardwood floor
-Stain protection on the hardwood flooring

High Quality Padding Recommended for Hardwood Flooring

To minimize the amount of waste sent to the landfill, look for padding that has hypoallergenic properties. This type of padding will also help control air quality inside the home. Here are a few types of padding that would be beneficial for hardwood flooring:

All Natural Rubber Rug Padding
Rubber padding is made with white sap, providing the highest quality protection for the hardwood flooring from stains. Perfect for all types of carpeting, it comes in both thin or thick styles, and with an extended warranty can last twenty years.

Rubber and Felt Rug Padding
Rubber and felt padding is extremely resilient and the choice of padding for homeowners with flat weave carpeting. The top surface of the padding is needle punched, assuring it will cling to the bottom surface of the carpeting more effectively.
Recycled Felt Rug Padding
Recycled felt padding is the perfect choice if you are covering a large amount of flooring with carpet. You don’t need a non-slippage feature with this type of padding because carpeting will be covering the entire area.

Why You Need A Rug Pad

Rug pads are an effective way of extending the life of
carpets and rugs, and protecting the investment in home. They add softness and
comfort underfoot and can give good support to the rugs. Rugs are an important
home and office supply and they serve a variety of purposes from aesthetic
enhancement to practical use. Rug pads must be used with all area rugs in order
to extend their performance. Rug pads prevent accumulation of dirt and dust
thus helping to have a cleaner home. When placed on floor, they help avoid the
incidence of slipping and moving of furniture. They keep the mat in place and
avoid falls and slips. Most rug pads are made from synthetic materials and have
nonslip, acoustic properties.

The reasons why you need a rug pad are:

A rug pad actually helps facilitate the vacuuming process. Dirt is the main reason for rug degradation and a rug pad
can prevent the rug from shifting and allow it to pick more dirt than without a
rug pad. They also provide ventilation between the floor and the rug. They make
vacuuming more effective by allowing air flow and preventing embedded dirt. This
will help prolong the life of oriental rugs.

When used with larger rugs, a rug pad will keep
the corners down and prevent them from buckling. Many people think that it is
not necessary to use rug pads for larger rugs as they are not likely to slip
out, but even though they are less likely to slip, they buckle and wrinkle at
the corners. No matter where the rug is placed, on a hardwood or laminate floor,
or carpet, a pad keeps the rug in place and prevents slips, slides and pulls.

A rug pad provides protection for the floors in
several ways. A quality rug pad prevents dye transferring from the rugs to the
floors. Although rare, some rugs might actually bleed into the flooring or
react with the coating on the hardwood floors and stain them.


A thicker rug pad provides more support to the
rug and this helps relieve stress from foot traffic over many years of use. A cushioned
rug pad helps prolong and protect the area rugs in addition to the flooring. The
pad extends the life of the rug by preventing the fibers, especially wool and
cotton, from being crushed.

A cushioned rug pad creates a buffer between the
rugs and flooring thus preventing floor damage. It also protects hardwood and
laminate floorings from being scratched by the backing on an area rug.

A thick rug pad provides comfort by adding
cushiony softness underfoot. They absorb impact and soften noise.

Rug pads are available in various materials and they should
be chosen depending on the type of floor or carpet underneath the area rug.

Felt Rug Pads

These are made from recycled carpet fibers and are intended
for carpets, tiles, hardwood and laminated floors. Felt rug pads provide a
thick padding and are perfect for area rugs to avoid chances of slipping. They are
also known as jute pads™ and are considered to be the best among the rug pads.

Rubber Pad

Rubber pads are safe to be used with any type of floor. They
are moisture resistant and offer maximum floor protection. They also provide
comfort to the feet, extend the life of carpets, make them easy to clean and offer
a natural remedy for absorbing sound.


Rug pads are easy to install and they can be trimmed to fit
the shape of the area rugs. By adding rug pads on the floor, you add a touch of
comfort and safety. A premium rug pad is more of an investment than a cost that
will pay for itself 10 times over in the future.

Why Use Felt Rug Pads

71iqspcrHtL._SX450_While it’s imperative for all floors to have
rugs, rug pads are essential for both your rug and your floor. Rug pads provide a solid
foundation for your carpet as they’ll not only cushion and bring comfort to
your carpet but they’ll also enhance its longevity. And as if that isn’t enough,
rug pads help in protecting the floor underneath from staining and color
transfer. They reduce wrinkles on your
area rug making it easier to clean. Since there are various types of rug pads
out there, you can be confused in choosing one that best suits your
carpet and floor type. Felted jute pads
can be used in any type of floor and carpet. It’s normally made of a recycled jute that’s
usually compressed to form a dense, durable and reliable pad that protects both
the floor and the carpet. Below are some of the benefits that come with the use
of felt jute pads.

They Are Made Of Tough Fibers

As mentioned earlier, some felt jute pads are made from
recycled fibers. They include nylon and wool carpet fibers. Because these fibers
are compressed into a dense and tough cushion through a complex needle punching
process, the resultant pad can resist the effects of heavy traffic thus preventing shedding. It’s usually recommended that you choose a pad
weighing about 40 ounces (amount of fiber per square cushion). A felt jute pad
weighing this much is dense enough to hold up traffic without shedding.


Offers Protection to Both Your Floor and Rug

Since these pads are dense enough to resist shedding, they can also protect
your floor from scratching. For hardwood floors, felt jute pads
cushion them from falling heavy objects that can cause indentations. Heavy traffic
causes your hard floor to destroy your carpet. Thankfully, these pads act as
reliable barriers between your hard floor and rug.

Comfort and Non-Allergic

The material used to make these pads is not only mold and mildew
resistant but it is also non-allergic. It doesn’t shed off micro particles
which are hazardous to asthmatic people. Besides that, because of their dense
nature, these pads are soft to walk on and more intriguing, they can last for up to 15 years.

They Are Versatile

This type of padding can be used on marble, tile, stone,
concrete and even hardwood flooring. Unlike other pads, its rubber and petroleum
free. Laminate floors are known to very reactive to many products but they are
compatible with felt jute pads. Regardless of the the type of your floor, felt jute rug pads can provide the required protection.


Whenever you are going for a felt jute pad, keep in your
mind the weight factor. Remember that the one weighing about 40 ounces is the
best because of its density. Also, ensure
that it’s only made from recycled wool and nylon materials. Some are made from
synthetic materials such as latex and they can be harmful to your floor and
rugs. These pads will extend the life of
your area rug, cushion your carpet, add comfort, allow easier vacuuming and
provide safer environment by reducing slippage.

Why Felt Rug Pads Are Hard to Find

Most retailers usually prefer stocking rug pads that are packaged because they save on space and money. These rugs pads are usually packaged that way by mills that produce them and sent to retails as a package. However, this does not apply to felt rug pads which are usually in rolls. Rolls occupy more space which will be an added advantage to retailers who want to preserve more space in their stores for other products. This is the main reason why most retailers stay clear of these pads making it difficult for consumes to find them.

For in the market in search of a specific rug pad, online and several physical stores are a good place to find. These different types of rug pads may include the PVC pads, vinyl pads, rubber pads and the felt pads. Most sellers usually pack them into bags waiting to be sold.
For those in search of a pure felt jute pad, the numbers in the market are very few making it very difficult for people to choose the right one. It is always good to get a variety to choose from whenever buying any product. The recycled felt jute rug pad is the only best options consumers can get when it comes to felt jute rug pads. However, one may have to search in various stores and online sites before getting it. Most customers have expressed their desires to own the old fashioned rug pads but they are rare to find. Nowadays the old fashioned rug pads are the ones that have been recycled to create the felt jute rug pads. They are hard to find but there are some stores that have invested in the much needed space time and money involved in availing the pads in stores.

There a number of reasons why the felt jute rug pads are the best. They usually do not contain any chemicals or adhesives that can cause harm to the floor. They can also be cut to an exact size that can fit your floor cutting out on wastage. Store that stock the rugs have to cut them to the customers meaning customers will get the exact fit that there room needs. Most rolls are actually 12 feet long and weighing up to 350 pounds making it difficult for most stores to stock them.
Not many stores will want to stock such heavy and long rug pads that occupy much of their spaces but it does not mean you cannot get one. It is always good to look in the many online sites and physical stores. This way, one is able to get some options on felt rug pads before buying.

Which Side Of A Jute Rug Pad Should Be Toward The Hardwood Floor?

There is more to a rug than simply purchasing it and throwing it on the floor in your home. Instead, you need to think about not only looking after it, but to also make sure that it is completely safe to walk on without it sliding all over the place. For this, you must think about the padding aspect and that is where a rug pad really does come into its own.
The idea behind having padding is that it will both protect the hardwood or tiled floor from marks or even scratches from the rug while also providing you with some insulation as well as offering the rug some protection from general wear and tear. There are several different materials used in rug pads, but one of the best has to be jute which is a vegetable fiber that is pretty similar to the more well known cotton and this is not as crazy as it sounds. There are actually even different varieties of jute pads that are available on the market and some will even then have an impact on how it is laid on the floor, so you must pay attention before you make any purchase.

Non slip pads.

There are a number of non slip jute pads available on the market and they come with a rubber bottom that then creates a certain degree of traction between the pad and the floor stopping the rug from sliding across the floor as people walk on it. In order to get the best results with this particular type of pad you will of course need to ensure that the rubber bottom is facing the hardwood floor with there being enough grip between the rug and the pad for it to largely stay in place at all times thanks to the jute fibers gripping the material.

Felt jute pads.

The other type are felt jute pads that do not have the words “non slip” mentioned anywhere on the label. In this instance, you are strongly advised to really look at how you place this pad on the floor in order to get the best results. With jute pads, you need to remember that both sides of the jute will be made slightly differently, so you have to pay close attention when looking at how to use it in the correct manner. You will find that one side of the pad is actually flatter and firmer than the other and it should always be the case that the flatter side meets the rug while the softer option is on the floor. The reason? Placing the harder and rougher side towards the floor will only result in the hardwood being scratched and do you really want that damage to occur?
Felt rug pads work very well with rugs, but just be careful with placing them in order to get the best possible results.

What Size a Rug Pad should be

We should all have rug pads under our rugs. The big
question is what size a rug pad should be. The question might receive different
answers, but the facts remain the same. The best answer is that a rug pad
should measure less than your actual rug. When a rug pad is lesser than your normal
rug, it will be hidden and the edges of your rug will lie flat against the
floor. Rug pads are used to cover the actual body of the rug, excluding the fringes.
If you choose a rug pad that is up to
the edge of your rug, this can cause a trip risk. Though several experts have
different views on the exact size the rug pad should be, there is a common rule
to go by.cutting-a-custom-rug-pad

If possible, all rug pads should be an inch thick
and an inch less than your actual rug size on all four sides. This will prevent
premature wear and tear to the edges of your rug. It will also make your rug
look good. By making sure the rug pad is an inch less than your rug, the rug
pad will be hidden and yet doing it work.


For example, if actual rug measures 9’x12′, then your
final rug pad of an inch less should be 8’10″x11’10”. This is as a
result of taking one inch off all the four sides of the actual rug size. If the
rug pad is thicker than 1/4 of an inch, then it is good for your rug to have a
rug pad 1.5 inches less on all four sides. If it is difficult to cut the rug
pad at home, make sure you have the measurements of your rug, and let the store
custom cut the rug pad for you.

Why a rug pad should be smaller than the rug61At94lSdsL._SY300_

There are various reasons why a rug pad should be
smaller than the normal rug. When a rug pad is smaller than the normal rug, the
edges of the rug will not be seen. Your rug will also look good and cleaner. If
your rug pad is the same size as your rug, then the fringes of your rug will be
off the floor. This can be very dangerous to anyone walking on the rug. By the
fringe of the rug being raised off the floor, shoe soles can continuously rub
the fringe and wear it even before the rest of the rug.

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