A Quick Rug Pad Guide for Hard Floors

It is very important to realize the significance of selecting a good rug pad quality for your floor. It is as important as selecting any carpet or rug itself as wrong choice will do more damage than good. Below are quick tips to select the best quality rug pad for your wooden floors.

PVC Rug Pads
The most famous in the variety of rug padding all over the world are PVC rug pads. They usually look like mesh and have the feeling of rubber, are coated with adhesive and have other properties of non-slipping. There are few materials that looks like PVC and should be avoided at all cost when buying a rug pad; these are:
•    Prime polyurethane: It is the material that is used in mattresses and car seats. However, a much greater density is used for rug pads.
•    Bounded polyurethane: This one is the famous rug pad material. It is made by recycling PVC. It is cheap in cost and can damage hard flooring.
However, on the other hand, froth polyurethane is expensive as compared to other rug pads for hardwood floors. It does meet the quality standards of rug pads and safe for all kinds of flooring.

Natural Rubber Rug Pads
Natural rubber rug pads are considered to be safe for all and any kind of wooden or hard flooring because of being natural hundred percent. Apart from that they have:
•    Naturally 100 percent properties in non-slip
•    Have mesh-looks, but again natural 100 percent and doesn’t have any treatment of adhesive;
•    They are resistant to moisture;
•    Better in cost as compared to any imitation;
•    Appropriate for small rugs, hallway and rugs at the entranceway;
•    Its padding gives more comfort than PVC;

Fiber Rug Pads
•    Usually from natural fibers, but can be manufactured from materials that are recycled. These are of two types. Natural fiber ones are the first kind of padding ever made. They are made from animal hair or jute or felt. The other one is recycled jute rug pads. They are made by reusing jute while felt rug pads are either new or recycled. Both have no smell of any chemical and possess properties of anti-fungus;
•    The more dense padding, the greater the quality;
•    A safe option for every kind of floors,
•    Fiber rug pad is dense and assures hardwood floors are well protected.
•    Synthetic fiber ones are made from acrylics nylon or polypropylene. All make long-lasting as well as safe padding to prevent all kinds of traffic.
The above quick tips will surely help you in choosing and buying the best quality rug pad for all types of hard wooden floors.

Is Rug Padding Beneficial or Harmful To Your Hardwood Floors?

Homeowners usually do not place much importance on installing padding under the carpeting in their homes. In most cases, hardwood floors are simply covered up with brand new carpeting because the homeowner simply thinks that padding will damage the floors faster.

The bottom line when it comes to padding, you get exactly what you pay for. When you choose an inexpensive padding, you are paying for low quality plastics that will destroy the hardwood flooring over time. One fact that many consumers are not even aware of is that the low grade plastics used in those inexpensive padding materials contain dangerous levels of chemicals that are not safe for you and your family to be breathing.

Protect the Hardwood Floor with High Quality Padding

In the event you recently refinished or had new hardwood flooring installed, you must wait at least two weeks before you can place padding on top of it. That will allow the polyurethane finish to properly cure in the wood. When padding is placed over the hardwood flooring too soon, the pads reacts with the wood surface and causes marring. Having high quality padding installed after that waiting period will benefit you in many ways:
-Offers enhanced cushioning, comfort, and warmth
-Less wear of the carpet and wrinkling
-Easier to clean and vacuum
-Less slippage
-Extended lifespan of both carpet and hardwood floor
-Stain protection on the hardwood flooring

High Quality Padding Recommended for Hardwood Flooring

To minimize the amount of waste sent to the landfill, look for padding that has hypoallergenic properties. This type of padding will also help control air quality inside the home. Here are a few types of padding that would be beneficial for hardwood flooring:

All Natural Rubber Rug Padding
Rubber padding is made with white sap, providing the highest quality protection for the hardwood flooring from stains. Perfect for all types of carpeting, it comes in both thin or thick styles, and with an extended warranty can last twenty years.

Rubber and Felt Rug Padding
Rubber and felt padding is extremely resilient and the choice of padding for homeowners with flat weave carpeting. The top surface of the padding is needle punched, assuring it will cling to the bottom surface of the carpeting more effectively.
Recycled Felt Rug Padding
Recycled felt padding is the perfect choice if you are covering a large amount of flooring with carpet. You don’t need a non-slippage feature with this type of padding because carpeting will be covering the entire area.

Which Side Of A Jute Rug Pad Should Be Toward The Hardwood Floor?

There is more to a rug than simply purchasing it and throwing it on the floor in your home. Instead, you need to think about not only looking after it, but to also make sure that it is completely safe to walk on without it sliding all over the place. For this, you must think about the padding aspect and that is where a rug pad really does come into its own.
The idea behind having padding is that it will both protect the hardwood or tiled floor from marks or even scratches from the rug while also providing you with some insulation as well as offering the rug some protection from general wear and tear. There are several different materials used in rug pads, but one of the best has to be jute which is a vegetable fiber that is pretty similar to the more well known cotton and this is not as crazy as it sounds. There are actually even different varieties of jute pads that are available on the market and some will even then have an impact on how it is laid on the floor, so you must pay attention before you make any purchase.

Non slip pads.

There are a number of non slip jute pads available on the market and they come with a rubber bottom that then creates a certain degree of traction between the pad and the floor stopping the rug from sliding across the floor as people walk on it. In order to get the best results with this particular type of pad you will of course need to ensure that the rubber bottom is facing the hardwood floor with there being enough grip between the rug and the pad for it to largely stay in place at all times thanks to the jute fibers gripping the material.

Felt jute pads.

The other type are felt jute pads that do not have the words “non slip” mentioned anywhere on the label. In this instance, you are strongly advised to really look at how you place this pad on the floor in order to get the best results. With jute pads, you need to remember that both sides of the jute will be made slightly differently, so you have to pay close attention when looking at how to use it in the correct manner. You will find that one side of the pad is actually flatter and firmer than the other and it should always be the case that the flatter side meets the rug while the softer option is on the floor. The reason? Placing the harder and rougher side towards the floor will only result in the hardwood being scratched and do you really want that damage to occur?
Felt rug pads work very well with rugs, but just be careful with placing them in order to get the best possible results.

Rug Pads For Laminate Floors

Rug pads for laminate floors are essential to keep the rugs straight and flat on the floor, but they are also efficient when it comes to protecting the laminate floor. Good rug pads for laminate floors must not contain any adhesives, as they can damage the floor.

Using a correct rug pad on a laminate floor will offer protection and will help keep your room neat and clean without a lot of effort.
Felt rug pads are the best for laminate floors. There are a lot of rug pads available for laminate floors, using rubber, or a combination of either natural or synthetic fibers. However, the best choice for a laminate floor is the felt rug pad. Boasting a high density, long fiber design, felt is a great material, offering a better resistance to wear and pressure, while also working great for longer periods of time. The 40 ounce density helps prevent the damage of laminate floor through scratching, cutting or bumps derived from heavy furniture. Other rug pads, typically the soft, spongy ones can damage the floor because the foot steps and heavy furniture leaves marks, sinking through the rug.

The resulting floor damage can be long lasting and may require costly repair work. Good felt pad rugs are manufactured using 40 ounce density recycled natural fibers that are compressed using no added dangerous adhesives or glues. Felt rug pads have a layer of natural rubber that adhere to the surface of the floor, stabilizing the rug neatly in its desired position. You won’t need any additional tools, materials or equipment when installing them. These rugs are a great addition to any room, providing comfort to people and protection for your valuable laminated floor.

Rugs can slip, slide and cause damage to the floor when there is no rug pad installed. A felt rug pad adds a very useful cushioned layer that prevents the rugs from slipping and causing wrinkles. They also reduce the risk of damage to the floor because they are manufactured from natural fibers, without added dangerous chemical substances. Other rug pads generally have rubber and other chemicals in their composition, which might be dangerous for the floor.
Good felt rug pads can last for years, offering great protection to a laminate floor, without the need of added maintenance or repair work. The expensive laminate floor will be protected, the rug will stay neatly on the surface and there won’t be any wrinkles, tears and bumps on the floor.

Rug Pads for Hardwood Floors

Getting rug pads for hardwoods is very important
because they help in preventing the floor from even the slightest kind of
damage under any kind of rug. A good rug pad should protect the floor from marks
and scratches. Rug pads for hardwoods are often used beneath area rugs that
cover hardwood floors. The rug pad serves the role of a protective barrier and improves comfort. Due to the above reasons, it is important that the rug pad is made of only natural fibers without the addition of any kind of chemicals or additives. To
protect the floor from any form of destruction, the rug pad must be heavy enough to
endure any form of pressure that penetrates through it.


The most common and advantageous rug pads for hardwood floors
are felt rug pads. Felt is compact and heavy and it offers better protection between
the floor and the rug. Although there are so many types of area rug pads available
in the market, we recommend felt rug pad because it performs exceptionally well
on any type of hardwood floor. We will review reused felt rug pads and a
mixture of both felt and rubber rug pads.

If you are looking for great pure felt rug pads, then you should be aware of
some things. The most important thing is that the felt must be recycled. The next
thing is that the rug pad must comprise of ordinary adhesives. Finally, the rug
pad must be as heavy as possible so that it can provide enough protection. A real
felt rug pad has a mass of 40 ounces and it is manufactured with reused fibers
in the USA. We have tried this felt rug pad under weighty furniture and it resists more than any rug pads in the market. We also discovered that felt rug pads use extreme heat pressing so as to steer clear of chemicals whereas most others use an adhesive coating to hold the felt in place.

Rug pads for hardwoods are an essential component for any surface
rug and hardwood floors. Choosing the right kind of rug pad can be confounding
with so many options available in the market. However, if you are absolutely
sure of the facts then this should not be hard for you. We believe this article has shed light on the advantages of felt rug types for your hardwood floors. Hardwood floors are very delicate and so they should be taken care of with the right type of rug pads to keep their natural beauty.

An Excellent Way to Absorb Sound From Your Floors

Carpets and rugs are comfortable and create soft padding to walk on in the home. However,
they do not absorb sound as well as they should. Every step you take on your rug or carpet,
transfers your weight and pressure through it onto the floor beneath. This
results in a loud thumping noise, which is transmitted to the floors below.
This is especially loud for carpets laid on hardwood and other hard flooring.

Jute rug pads

Installing a sound absorbing material on your floor is the best solution for this problem. Owners
of residential apartments are increasingly demanding that tenants do this, to
prevent disturbing other neighbors. Furthermore, many homeowners are very
concerned about the noise made by footsteps on their hardwood floors. The
answer to this is really simple- jute rug pads.

Jute rug pads give excellent cushioning and support to carpets and rugs. They also act
as a support for your carpet, anchoring it to the floor to prevent slippage. More importantly, jute rug pads are excellent
shock and noise absorbers. They efficiently mute the sound of footsteps and
falling objects. Additionally, they add an extra layer of protection for your
flooring. This prevents damage from scratches and stains, prolonging its life.

Selecting the right jute rug pad

The best jute rug pad should be made from eco friendly and recycled materials. This makes
them non-allergic and non-toxic to people and pets. It should also have good density and thickness.
40 ounce high density jute rug pads that are half an inch thick are preferable.
The jute rug pad should also be resistant to moisture, mold, mildew, and odors.
A good jute rug pad should additionally be
safe for use on all types of floors.

The best jute rug pads are usually made of tight and densely woven fibers. These last longer
and feel softer under the feet. The high density prevents even sharp heels from
penetrating through the rugs and damaging the floor, or making a sound.

Extra protection

Installing a jute rug pad is also a great way of prolonging the life of your carpets and
rugs. The extra support and cushioning will prevent carpets from wearing thin and
tearing, due to compression onto the floor. Jute rug pads prevent the
accumulation of bad odors common in carpets, by resisting moisture and

Jute rug pads add an insulating layer on the floor, preventing heat or cold from being transferred
through the carpet. This makes your floors more comfortable in all seasons.

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