Is Rug Padding Beneficial or Harmful To Your Hardwood Floors?

Homeowners usually do not place much importance on installing padding under the carpeting in their homes. In most cases, hardwood floors are simply covered up with brand new carpeting because the homeowner simply thinks that padding will damage the floors faster.

The bottom line when it comes to padding, you get exactly what you pay for. When you choose an inexpensive padding, you are paying for low quality plastics that will destroy the hardwood flooring over time. One fact that many consumers are not even aware of is that the low grade plastics used in those inexpensive padding materials contain dangerous levels of chemicals that are not safe for you and your family to be breathing.

Protect the Hardwood Floor with High Quality Padding

In the event you recently refinished or had new hardwood flooring installed, you must wait at least two weeks before you can place padding on top of it. That will allow the polyurethane finish to properly cure in the wood. When padding is placed over the hardwood flooring too soon, the pads reacts with the wood surface and causes marring. Having high quality padding installed after that waiting period will benefit you in many ways:
-Offers enhanced cushioning, comfort, and warmth
-Less wear of the carpet and wrinkling
-Easier to clean and vacuum
-Less slippage
-Extended lifespan of both carpet and hardwood floor
-Stain protection on the hardwood flooring

High Quality Padding Recommended for Hardwood Flooring

To minimize the amount of waste sent to the landfill, look for padding that has hypoallergenic properties. This type of padding will also help control air quality inside the home. Here are a few types of padding that would be beneficial for hardwood flooring:

All Natural Rubber Rug Padding
Rubber padding is made with white sap, providing the highest quality protection for the hardwood flooring from stains. Perfect for all types of carpeting, it comes in both thin or thick styles, and with an extended warranty can last twenty years.

Rubber and Felt Rug Padding
Rubber and felt padding is extremely resilient and the choice of padding for homeowners with flat weave carpeting. The top surface of the padding is needle punched, assuring it will cling to the bottom surface of the carpeting more effectively.
Recycled Felt Rug Padding
Recycled felt padding is the perfect choice if you are covering a large amount of flooring with carpet. You don’t need a non-slippage feature with this type of padding because carpeting will be covering the entire area.

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